Sunday, April 02, 2006

Kirkwood:What's up with Wind?

It was another fine day for racing in Lancaster County, well except for the nasty rain in the morning and the 40mph crosswinds! On the positive side the whole team looked great in the new kit!

Here's a sample .. More pictures to come as soon as I learn how to use a camera better .. or get my wife to come out and take some for us.

If you're looking for some better race pictures check out the racingcaptured. There are some great pictures of the racing.

The Race
Kirkwood is a 7 mile loop with a couple of hills, not a difficult course. What makes the course tough are the crosswinds, strong enough to blow you over on the bike( I'm not kidding the winds push me off the course twice). Oh and the rain ... Oh and the big descent(50+ mph) that ended with a 90 degree left turn. That left turn was made for a crash, caution was the best strategy. Our guys raced well and we had a great turn out.

Cat 5
Bob Poley
Rick Steele

Cat 4/5
Chris Candy
Jeff Salvitti(Team Alliance)
Jason Schilitz
Bryan Verdeur

Cat 3/4
Kevin Fryberger
Kevin Kopanski
Matt Perry
Jim Walls

Full Kirkwood results are available, overall Iron Hill had a good race. Next week is open; there's a Time Trial and the Philadelphia 2 Day Classic which is a Circuit and Criterium Race. See you on the road...