Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tour de Ephrata: Road Race Complete

This morning I was very excited.. Another chance at a good finish in a road race. Last weekend was the Lower Provience criterium which I would describe as a tour of "Pot Holes". I flatted in the crit with 3 laps to go. Overall today's road race went well for the team members in the Cat 5 and 4, however Kevin Kopanski had a crash in the Cat 3 race. He's OK with some shoulder pain. His bike also took a hit to the front rim. He's a tough rider and still plans to ride tommorow in the TT and crit. We have by far the strongest showing of any team in the Cat 4 race and a couple of guys have a strong chance at winning the General Classification. The day was a bit of personal disappointment for me, but I continue to gain race experience and learn where I'm making my mistakes. I felt very strong and basically botched the finish... I did get a chance to take some great pictures of our racers.

From Left:Rick, Jeff, Chris, Bryan,Kevin K., Jason, Matt

Tomorrow the Hill Time Trail starts at a very early 7:30am. We reconed the course today and the hill reminds me of Purdue Mountain out in Penn State country. It's definitely a course that I should do well on and I'm hoping I feel as good and aggressive tomorrow as I did today. My plan for tomorrow is hold nothing back and lay the hammer down the whole stage. We'll see how it goes...

Kevin and Jim

Here's a link to the Tour de Ephrata Race Flyer... take a look at the MT Pain Time Trail.. 1200+ of climbing it should be fun :).