Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Matt's Easy Cat 3 Upgrade Program

So let's say you're a Cat 4 local racer. Maybe on the small side (like say 5'5", 133 lbs) and you want to upgrade to a Cat 3. Well, let's face it, those crits are hard to win when the guy winning it rides a bike that's bigger than you are!

So why not try Matt's Super Easy Volume Cat 3 Upgrade Racing Plan

That's right, in 27 easy steps you too can upgrade from a Cat 4 racer to a Cat 3 racer, just by racing in 27 races in one season.

This takes considerable dedication. Sometimes you might have to race twice in one day. Make sure your wife understands that there will be no vacations during racing (or training) season (oh and let's not mention the physcial toll this might make on the libido... I'm sure she'll understand). You also might hope that she can't do the math on how much money you spent on race fees (or the traveling fees... let's not even discuss "equipment fees"...you really "need" a time trial bike for this plan to work, right?).

Sadly this plan will not work for upgrading from a Cat 3 to a Cat 2 racer. You might actually need to win races for that.