Its a fast ride with a couple of hard sprint hills that the group pounds with no mercy for the weak(which currently would be me). The pain starts at the bottom of the 842 Climb and ends 35 minutes later.
Tues Stats for the ride:
- Avg Heart rate 141
- Max Heart Rate 193
- Alltitude Gain: 2400ft
- ~ 40 miles
- 2 Hours
- 1 pair of tired legs :)
I got dropped on the end of the last climb when the tough guys jump to break the pack, luckily had Tim and Keith to finish the ride up with. We could see the front group, but just couldn't quite catch them.
After Tuesday's fun, I thought I needed to punish myself with some hill repeats up Gypsy Rd near work in Upper Merion. Its a tough hill and I use it to help gauge my fitness or in my current form: lack of fitness. It felt good to hit the hill hard. I know this work will all pay off in a couple of weeks. Try to have some fitness for Kirkwood and Ephrata
Wed Stats for ride:
- Avg Heart rate 163
- Max Heart Rate 188
- Altitude Gain: 1500ft
- ~ 15 miles
- 45 minutes
Well, I may get to ride today. Looks like rain, but we'll see.