...and the season comes to a close.
Matt did the Yuasa Right From the Start Crit on Sunday with not great results. He and Tim did the 1/2/3 race. Tim was taken down in the first lap on the final turn (which was very tricky... lots and lots of crashes). Tim was able to get up make it to the pit and get back on, but it's not a fun way to start a race. Matt had to close three gaps within 5 laps and he knew that he was done. You can only close gaps so often. He just didn't have it that day and abandoned. Tim did as well a few laps later.
Jason and Rick both crashed in their races. I think everyone is ready for the season to be over.
The team had a great year this year. Some great results, which I'll let Matt summerize. A few bad crashes, which is always hard to deal with. Let's hope that we see Bryan on his bike soon!
So Matt ended up doing a few more races this year than last year. I count 30 on the USA Cycling website, but I know that the site isn't always up to date.
However, I think he's glad the season is done. It's been a long season for him (his first race was back in March) and he raced a lot. He trained a lot. We spend a lot of time preparing for races.
Who knew that when he pulled that bike out to drop a few pounds that it would be 75 lbs and it would become such a part of our lives.
So congrats to everyone for a great season! Enjoy the winter... 5 months before the next race! Is that enough time to redo my downstairs powderroom?